3 research outputs found

    Participatory Approaches in the Formulation of Public Policy at Nagari Governance Level

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    The smallest administrative unit in West Sumatra is not known as the village government but the Nagari government. West Sumatra uses the name Nagari Government to respond to the implementation of regional autonomy, which gives local governments the freedom to manage their government according to their respective local wisdom. It has the same main tasks and functions. In terms of public policymaking (policy formulation), there is still an element of adat in the policy formulation process. West Sumatra involved several actors in making this Nagari regulation, including Walinagari and its apparatus, BPRN (Nagari People's Representative Body), and KAN (Nagari Customary Density). What often happens is that many Nagari governments issue Nagari regulations based on routine activities. In contrast, regulations that are derived from people's aspirations can be said to have not existed in the 2017-2019 period. As happened in 6 Nagari in the salimpaung sub-district, there is no Nagari regulation made based on the community's needs. So far, the Nagari regulations are made to meet the needs of routine activities such as the preparation of the Nagari budget and development plans. This phenomenon has attracted the attention of researchers because the Nagari government also has the responsibility to make rules according to the needs of the community. The researcher also wants to know how the community participates in the process of formulating Nagari regulations, can these Nagari regulations be by the people's choicesUnit penyelenggaran pemerintahan terkecil di Sumatera Barat tidak dikenal sebagai pemerintahan Desa tapi Pemerintahan Nagari. Sumatera barat memakai nama Pemerintahan Nagari sebagai respon dari pelaksanaan otonomi daerah yang memberikan kebebasan pemerintahan daerah untuk mengelola pemerintahannya sesuai kearifan lokal masing-masing.Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Nagari yang menyertakan unsur adat dalam penyelengaraannya merupakan pembeda antara Pemerintahan Nagari dan Pemerintahan Desa, namun secara administratif kedua lembaga ini mempunyai tugas pokok dan fungsi yang sama. Dalam hal pembuatan kebijakan publik (formulasi kebijakan), masih ada unsur adat dalam proses formulasi kebijakan tersebut. Dalam pembuatan peraturan nagari ini sumatera barat melibatkan beberapa aktor, antara lain: Walinagari dan perangkatnya, BPRN (badan perwakilan rakyat nagari) dan KAN (kerapatan Adat nagari). Hal yang sering terjadi adalah banyak sekali pemerintahan nagari yang mengeluarkan peraturan nagari berdasarkan kegiatan rutin, sedangkan peraturan yang sifatnya berasal dari aspirasi masyarakat bisa dikatakan belum ada dalam kurun waktu 2017-2019. Seperti yang terjadi di 6 nagari di kecamatan salimpaung, bahwa belum ada peraturan nagari yang dibuat berdasarkan kebutuhan masyarakat, selama ini peraturan nagari dibuat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan aktifitas rutin seperti penyusunan anggaran nagari dan rencana pembangunan. Fenomena ini menjadi perhatian peneliti karena pemerintahan nagari juga mempunyai tanggung jawab untuk membuat aturan sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat. Peneliti juga ingin mengetahui bagaimana partisipasi masyarakat dalam proses formulasi peraturan Nagari, bisakah peraturan Nagari ini sesuai dengan pilihan masyarakat

    Opini Masyarakat Twitter terhadap Kandidat Bakal Calon Presiden Republik Indonesia Tahun 2024

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    Registration for the 2024 presidential candidates began at the end of 2023, but the euphoria of the supporters of the 2024 presidential candidates began to be felt from the beginning of 2022. Several survey institutions released public opinions regarding several prospective 2024 presidential candidates. One of the approaches taken in the survey was by conducting direct interviews with the public. However, political dynamics can change the results of political surveys at great expense. Public opinion about the 2024 presidential candidates cannot only be acquired through direct interviews. Public opinion acquisition can also be done through social media such as Twitter. This article aims to find out public opinion on the candidates for the 2024 presidential candidate on Twitter social media. This article uses a Twitter dataset and data analysis tools using orange data mining. The crawling dataset was carried out using the hashtags #capres2024 and #presiden2024 and the keywords anies baswedan, prabowo subianto and ganjar pranowo with 10,000 tweet data in content written in Indonesian. Text preprocessing includes transformation, tokenization, filtering and normalization applied to data before analysis is carried out with topic modeling and sentiment towards the presidential candidates. The results of the word cloud analysis show a very high level of popularity for candidate Ganjar Pranowo, but the results of the sentiment analysis show that Ganjar Pranowo has a negative sentiment


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    Skilled staff is a structural position that assists the regional heads in performing the assistance provided by the skilled staff in the form of useful ideas by regional heads in taking a decision and achieve the vision and mission ot the local government. Therefore the performance of this highly skilled staff need to be optimized which will greatly affect the regional head, because basically this skilled staff is �right hand� of head and a strategic position influencing a lot of the policies that will take it by local governments. The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the performance optimization skilled staff of head and to determine the factors that influence the optimization of the performance of skilled staff. This research use qualitative descriptive method, by using the techniques of data collection interview, observation and documentation. This research was conducted at Tanah Datar, where there are two skilled Staff that is Skilled Staff in government. Law, politics, social and human resources and staff in development economic and financial. The sample used was purposive sampling that samples taken by the research�s own judgment. The research said that generally skilled staff have been able to do their job property. Don�t have a specific target and a running program. Skilled staff has also been able to carry out tasks according the purpose, but does not have any limitation in performing their job. Skilled staff are able to do their job properly, responsible well-­�based human resource factor. Skilled staff already have a good quality and professional in carrying our their job. Skilled staff is the position that are experienced in their field. Facilities and infrastructure accepted by skilled staff is still far from adequate. For organizational culture is also not good, Regional head award to skilled staff is still lacking. From this results the researchers concluded that the performance of a skilled staff at Tanah Datar has not been optimal. Due to various constrains, shortage that occurred, either from internal factors skilled staff it self or from external factor. There are still many thing that need to be improved to achieve the optimum in terms of performance of skilled staff